Making All Skills Visible: The Validation of Transversal Skills
The Transval-EU project invited policymakers, experts and validation and guidance professionals to an international conference in Stockholm.
The conference took place from May 24 – 25, 2023 at the Conference Center Vasateatern, Vasagatan 19, 111 22 Stockholm, Sweden
The Transval-EU project invited policymakers, experts and validation and guidance professionals to an international conference in Stockholm. The conference aimed at discussing policy measures and sharing evidence on the validation of transversal competences as well as results concerning the professionalisation of validation of transversal skills and competences in Europe.
The conference aimed to
- Offer a forum for discussing the European Policy measures, highlighted by the European Union. The participants will be invited to evaluate the replicability, transferability and upscaling of the suggested policies in the pilot countries and other countries and regions in the EU.
- Offer a possibility to learn from the evidence gained during the field trials in five countries and the research carried out during the project. The analysis of the processes and steps used before, during and after the validation and/or guidance on transversal skills by practitioners will provide a set of models of how validation of transversal skills can systematically be part of validation and guidance pathways.
- Be a meeting place and a networking platform for stakeholders contributing to the EU validation and guidance community
The Conference took place during the European Year of Skills 2023. The event was held in Sweden during its EU Council Presidency in 2023. In their strategic agenda, the Swedish EU Council Presidency called for embracing technological evolution and globalisation while making sure that no one is left behind. In this context, recognition and validation of all types of competencies played an essential role.
Organising the conference in Sweden, one of the Nordic countries, the project aimed at creating synergies between the Nordic and European work on the validation of competencies, and thus supporting the implementation of the Nordic agenda for the competencies of the future. The idea behind the agenda was to better prepare people of all ages for the society that lies ahead. The aim is that everybody in the Nordic Region has the knowledge and skills to cope with a more complex future, can meet the world with open and critical minds and be equipped to work with other people.
Please find the updated conference agenda here.
Conference Presentations:
Please find the conference presentations below:
Keynote Presentation by the OECD on Transversal Skills for Work Life
Opening Panel Discussion: Nordic Council of Ministers
Transval-EU Project Overview and Presentation of Results (OeAD, LLLP, vub)