TRANSVAL-EU intends to be one of the largest European policy experiments on VNFIL. The project has 16 full partners from 7 countries. In addition, TRANSVAL-EU is supported by a pool of subject-matter experts – the associate partners, who form the Advisory Board of the project.
The project partnership is represented by:
- Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research through Austria´s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD), Austria – Coordinator
- Consortium for the validation of competences (CVDC), Belgium
- Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre (KPMPC), Lithuania
- Regional Agency for Active Labour Policies of Umbria (ARPAL), Italy
- Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP), Belgium
- European Institute of Education and Social Policy (EIESP), France
- Educational Research Institute (IBE), Poland
- 3s research laboratory (3s), Austria
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium
- Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL), Denmark
- Lithuanian education and science trade union (LESTU), Lithuania
- ALL DIGITAL, Belgium
- FORMA.Azione, Italy
- Pluriversum, Italy
- Chamber of Labour for Salzburg (AK Salzburg), Austria
- Austrian Institute for Vocational Education Research (öibf), Austria