Italian National Training for Umbrian guidance and validation practitioners
The successful implementation of the TRANSVAL-EU project in Italy continues. After the two-days transnational training held on May 10th and 11th, 20 operators of public employment services and certified validation experts of private bodies were engaged in the national training held at the Perugia head-office of the partner Forma.Azione last June 28th and 30th
The two days were an important moment of discussion between operators and the opportunity to study in depth the topic of identification and validation of transversal skills. It was also an occasion to transfer in the specific working context the tools developed by the team of project.
During the training, practitioners have also defined the ways in which they will conduct the experimentation with 70 users at regional level. Users will be identified among those over 30, unemployed or at risk of obsolescence of skills for the job market, with a strong focus on the female component, which will represent 50 % of users. The experimentation will focus on 6 transversal competences and will start between September and October, within the framework of the guidance services that will be provided to users of the GOL Program (Guarantee for Employability), the main action to reform the active policies in the Italian PNRR. The experimentation will concern 6 transversal competences, not necessarily all for every user. Particular attention will be paid to the monitoring of the experimentation, through the compilation of self-assessment questionnaires by operators to verify their improvement of validation skills.