Call for Papers and Posters for the TRANSVAL-EU Research Conference
The TRANSVAL-EU Research Conference entitled “Transversal Skills for Work and Life – Strengthening Guidance and Validation” will take place on April 18th-19th 2023 in Paris, France in an endeavour to build bridges between research, policy and practice for guidance and validation of transversal competences in Europe.
As part of the conference, a call was published for researchers to submit poster and paper proposals for completed work relevant to VNFIL of transversal skills. TRANSVAL-EU will also publish a post-conference online compendium of short papers presenting recent research (not exceeding 2500 words).
Poster proposals and short papers submitted will be peer reviewed. Full criteria for the peer review process can be found here.
Areas of particular interest include:
- Definition of transversal skills
- Learner progression and development of transversal skills
- Assessment and validation of adults’ transversal skills
- Context /governance structures and their impact on policy and practice related to the validation of transversal skills
- Engagement with employers, guidance and validation counselors and other stakeholders in the design and implementation of policies and practices related to guidance and validation of transversal skills
- Issues related to gender, migrant background, education level, socioeconomic status etc.
- Professionalisation of guidance and validation counsellors/practitioners
Posters on research in Europe and its Member States may address:
- Conceptual debates and tensions
- Results of empirical research
- Studies on policy design and implementation
- Foresight / issues – policy implications
Poster Submission Deadline: 18 March 2023
Please send your submission to: