
A new European Community of validation and guidance professionals

5 spalio 2023|

A new European Community of validation and guidance professionals European projects like TRANSVAL-EU supports the creation and animation of a European Community of validation and guidance professionals. This community already exists thanks to the [...]

30 Months TRANSVAL-EU: Looking back, looking ahead…

28 rugpjūčio 2023|

30 Months TRANSVAL-EU: Looking back, looking ahead... When the policy experimentation on the validation of transversal skills, TRANSVAL-EU, started on the 28th of February 2021, during the Covid-19 pandemic and in the midst of [...]

The impact of validation and guidance of transversal skills

27 liepos 2023|

The impact of validation and guidance of transversal skills Authors: Maurice de Greef (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Julia Fellinger (3S), Mariya Dzhengozova (3S) In cooperation with: Iwona Gmaj (IBE), Barbara Fijalkowska (IBE), Roksana Pierwieniecka (IBE), [...]

TRANSVAL-EU Final Conference in Lithuania

26 liepos 2023|

TRANSVAL-EU Final Conference in Lithuania The TRANSVAL-EU Final Conference in Lithuania took place at the Vilnius School of Automotive Engineering and Business on 22 June 2023 with the theme "Recognition of Transferable Competences across [...]


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