Check out two new TRANSVAL-EU podcasts on transversal skills!
TRANSVAL-EU partner Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL) recorded two podcasts during our Final Policy Conference: Making All Skills Visible that was organised on 24-25 May in Stockholm with more than 100 participants from 19 countries. During the conference, researchers and practitioners shared their work on the validation of non-formal competencies.
What does it mean for the individuals’ employability to get their soft skills validated? Why is it important to train validation practitioners in how to assess non-formal competences? Why do we need to adjust the learning outcomes when we assess transversal skills?
Aljosja Yoshi Ziga, on behalf of NVL, interviewed Fjóla María Lárusdóttir, R&D/NVL coordinator at The Education and Training Service Center in Iceland and Julia Walder, National Coordinator for the National Qualification Framework (NQF) in Austria.
Podcast: Integrating Transversal Competences in European Policy Strategies
Personal, emotional, social and communication competences, also called transversal competences, are gaining more and more attention from policy-makers, employers and education professionals. How can transversal competences be included in the policy strategies at a regional, national and European level?
Aljosja Yoshi Ziga, on behalf of NVL, interviewed Eduard Staudecker, Head of Department, VET Policy, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Helen Myslek, Head of School and Working Life at the Swedish National Agency for Education.