LLLP presented TRANSVAL-EU to the European Qualification Framework Advisory Group (EQF AG)
Do you know the EQF Advisory Group? This is a group coordinated by DG EMPL at the European Commission (EC – Directorate-General for Employment) with the participation of Cedefop (the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) and composed of representatives of national ministries of EU countries (and some non-EU ones) working on qualifications and/or validation. The Advisory Group also involves other stakeholders including us, the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP), the Centre for European Volunteering (CEV), the European Youth Forum, the European Students Union (ESU), Eurashe (European Association of Institutions in Higher Education) etc.
Its work consists in monitoring national development regarding National Qualification Frameworks (NQFs – where qualifications are linked with levels and learning outcomes) and their alignment with the 8 levels from the European framework (EQF), and to follow up with the implementation of the 2012 Council recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL). On that latter, each Member State is invited (on a voluntary basis but with some inherent incentivising inter-peer motivation) to present a one-off report on their validation systems. Regarding the national developments, it follows up with countries‘ progress regarding (among others) “Referencing to the EQF”, “EQF levels on certificates, diplomas or supplements”, “Transparency of information – Publication of referencing reports/updated referencing reports”.
On 16th of June 2021, LLLP was granted the opportunity to present TRANSVAL-EU (see our presentation PPT here) to over 60 participants in the EQF AG, highlighting the project aims, outputs and contribution to the European policies such as the 2012 VNFIL Council Recommendation and the European Skills Agenda. Participants raised questions regarding the definition of transversal skills and competences, asking more information about the skills we want to assess whether they are technical or social skills, stressing how certain skills can be harder to assess.
In addition to the EQF AG, a separate Validation group was settled with EQF members not only to work on the revision of the Cedefop EU Guidelines for VNFIL but for preparing the upcoming EU validation event in November, which will be another opportunity to address transversal skills with experts and practitioners. Our LLLP team is dedicated to making sure transversal skills are no longer a missing theme in these activities!