TRANSVAL-EU at the 2022 Forum on Vocational Excellence
The 2022 Forum on Vocational Excellence took place in San Sebastian, Spain on 15-16 November. The event was organized together by the European Commission and the Basque Government, with the participation of representatives from 88 countries, including all the EU Member States. A total of 735 participants joined the forum, 285 of them attending the event in San Sebastian and 450 following the event online.
With the participation of the European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs, Nicolas Schmit, the international forum aimed to disseminate the European CoVE initiative of the networks of Centres of Excellence in VET and discuss the latest developments in the field of Vocational Education and Training. How to foster the transversal skills was one of the topics on the agenda.
Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) are formed by networks of partners that develop local « skills ecosystems » to provide high quality vocational skills to young people and adults, and contribute to regional development, innovation, industrial clusters, smart specialisation strategies and social inclusion. Their aim is to establish a bottom-up approach to vocational excellence involving a wide range of local stakeholders enabling VET institutions to rapidly adapt skills provision to evolving economic and social needs.
The recording and results of the forum are available here.