Polish National Training for guidance practitioners
Vocational counsellors from 14 organisations in Poland attended a training on validation of transversal competences within the framework of the TRANSVAL-EU project on 20-21 September 2022.
The professionals, mainly working with young people at the upper-secondary and higher education levels, were invited to join the training on how to identify and document transversal competences, and to exchange their experiences. This training laid the foundations of the field trial in Poland that will take place in the first months of 2023.
The workshop consisted of a theoretical training provided by the representatives of the Educational Research Institute (IBE) and the Centre for Education Development (ORE), followed by a teamwork of participants.
A particular emphasis was made on the definition of transversal skills (known in Poland under several different names) and the Transversal Competence Framework developed during the TRANSVAL-EU Project.
The participants were engaged in the method and tools used to identify and document transversal competences. They welcomed the TRANSVAL-EU project and this training opportunity positively.
The organisers shared the training materials with participants following the event and plan to run further online training sessions before the start of the field trials.
Policy experimentation in Poland will focus on working with youth at the stage of identification and documentation of competences. Each professional (whether working at a school, at an academic career office or a freelancer) will cooperate with candidates using the methodology proposed within the TRANSVAL-EU project. Additionally, the Polish project partners are hoping to prepare a scenario for a guidance lesson on transversal competences that will be used at schools.